Athletic Department
Cross Country

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Letter from the Athletic Director
To the Parents/Guardians of Islamic Foundation School Athletes:
Assalamu Alaikum
As Athletic Administrator, I welcome you to Islamic Foundation School and the Athletic Program. I look forward to getting to know you and your student-athlete as they progress through our athletic programs.
Successful athletic programs have specific goals. They include a positive experience for every athlete and a great sense of bond and unity within their team. This environment ensures high ethical standards and expectations for fairness, ownership, and sportsmanship for all our student-athletes and coaches. At IFS, we pride ourselves on demonstrating that “Character Counts.”
A successful athletic program also includes dedicated coaches, active support from the student body and parents, outstanding leadership from school administrators, and most importantly, a great sense of pride fostered by the entire community. It will be our mission to facilitate all those facets together to create the best athletic programs possible. Athletes: Play hard, play fair, and dedicate yourself to be the best you can possibly be, but most importantly, have fun! The rewards will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Did you know that research shows that the greatest influence upon our student-athletes is NOT the coach? By far, you as parents or guardians have the greatest influence upon your child. Research has shown that parents can influence a child’s motivation, perceived competence and their enjoyment of the sport. The feedback and behavior of a parent will affect how long an athlete will stay involved in a sport and how the athlete perceives their abilities. I am asking all IFS parents to take a positive approach to your child’s upcoming season. Provide a motivational climate prior to, during, and after all games. You will be amazed by the results.
In creating a positive athletic experience, we must understand that both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult professions. In establishing an understanding of each other’s position, we will be better able to understand and accept the actions of those involved we will be able to provide a greater benefit to our athletes.
As a parent, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of the respective team.
Dr. Ali Abuhlaleh, CAA
Athletic Director